Cleaning under voltage

A novelty in the Croatian market in the form of cleaning using carbon oxide granules under voltage. We were the first ones in Croatia to have developed a method or process that efficiently preforms the cleaning under voltage of oil, dirt and other contaminants.

Under voltage cleaning refers to low-voltage and medium-voltage facilities of power stations, power plants, electrical cabinets, machines, various devices, insulators. In the case of transmission networks disconnectors, trams, trains and other plants. The advantage of this method is that it does not discharge electricity and there is no loss in power transmission, unloading of machines, disconnection of low voltage and medium-voltage networks whilst performing the cleaning. This system represents great savings in production (cleaning of machines during operation) and we also offer thermographic imaging of machines.

Cleaning and imaging determine the repair time of the plant and great savings are made in maintaining the plant itself. We also have the ability to clean with exceptionally small carbon dioxide granules primarily in chain stores for under voltage cleaning of capacitators, evaporators, refrigerator motors and fans.

We must emphasize that the process or method of dry-ice blasting under voltage for low-voltage and medium-voltage plants is protected under intellectual property rights no. PK20150817. The pole for safe cleaning of live plants is protected under no. PK20161457 and the its design is patented under Euro design no. 005263779-0001. Any unauthorized use of the procedure or methods is subject to legal action under the intellectual property act.

We have the work standard for the operation of devices under voltage HRN EN 61235: 2008 and the test report for operation of device in accordance with IEC 60832-1: 2010, VDE 0681/1. We also have a certificate for trained people to perform cleaning under voltage. The device is designed for safe operation under voltage up to 36 KV.

We would particularly like to emphasize the cleaning of the electric motors under voltage in the climate chambers. Until now, the electric motors were covered with insulating material, as the climate chambers were cleaned using mini wash. This means that the electric motors have never been cleaned and the components are the climate chambers for air flow. This cleaning method guarantees absolute purity of the climate chambers, which is the most important part of the fresh air supply system.

Cleaning the insulator


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